4-Year Old Boy From Chicago Reads 100 Books in One Day — And His Parents Live Streamed it on Facebook!

Style Magazine Newswire | 12/12/2017, 10:09 a.m.
Caleb Green, a 4-year old boy from Chicago, has read 100 books in just one day. The books reportedly included …
4-year old Caleb Green

Source: BlackNews.com

Nationwide — Caleb Green, a 4-year old boy from Chicago, has read 100 books in just one day. The books reportedly included his favorites about Ninja turtles and dogs, and his parents streamed the entire reading marathon on Facebook Live.

Caleb’s dad, Sylus, says that when his son told him about his goal, he and his wife wanted to support him but they didn’t have 100 books in their home. So, they had to get some of their friends to drop some books off to their house.

Sylus told ABC 7 Chicago, “I was like, 100, son? That’s a lot of books. So at first, I had the gut reaction to talk him down a little bit but he was like, ‘No, I want to read 100.'”

He said that every time Caleb finished 10 books, he did a little dance.

His dad also says that his son really inspired him. “I learned to just dream bigger and I am going to set unrealistic goals for myself this coming year and I’m going to be inspired by Caleb to not quit on him and just push through it,” he said.

Caleb says that he too has his own inspiration. “I like to read, and I want to read some more like my sister,” he comments.

Then he cutely added, “I want to be a basketball player. When I am 22, I want to be an astronaut and when I’m 23, I want to be a Ninja turtle.”


Chicago boy, 4, reads 100 books in one day, streams on Facebook

Caleb Green, 4, of Chicago, read 100 books in one day.