New Effort To Grow Pipeline of Latino Leaders in Education Launches in Houston
Style Magazine Newswire | 11/9/2018, 4:01 p.m.
A new group in Greater Houston, Latinos for Education, want to grow the pipeline of Latino leaders in education, starting with the nonprofit world that pumps millions of dollars into learning. They want to close the gaps between Latino education nonprofits board members and Latino high school graduates who are college ready. Latinos for Education, which started in Boston, recently picked Houston to expand to, primarily because of the huge demographic shift happening in the region and Texas. They are recruiting 10 Latino and Latina leaders for this new effort. Next year, they’ll spend six months learning how to serve on a nonprofit board and afterwards be matched with a local nonprofit. Andy Canales, the executive director of Latinos for Education in Greater Houston said that later in 2019, they plan to launch a similar fellowship for leaders who work on executive teams for these kinds of boards and philanthropic groups.