National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum Announces May 2020 Officers of The Month

Officers recognized for administering emergency medical aid to person in distress

Style Magazine Newswire | 7/2/2020, 2:07 p.m.
The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum is pleased to announce its May 2020 Officers of the Month. Massachusetts State …

The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum is pleased to announce its May 2020 Officers of the Month. Massachusetts State Police Troopers Andrew Zeller and Michael Lane have been named May Officers of the Month.

Located in the nation’s capital, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring the service and sacrifice of America’s law enforcement officers. The Officer of the Month award program began in 1996 and recognizes federal, state, and local officers who distinguish themselves through exemplary law enforcement service and devotion to duty.

Early in the morning of May 17, 2020, Trooper Andrew Zeller was near the end of his shift when he stopped for gas at a local station. He was en route to the Medical Examiner's Office to deliver and secure evidence in a case. While inside to pay for his fuel, a man came in and collapsed in front of him. Trooper Zeller immediately alerted Emergency Medical Services and then went to help the citizen in distress. Zeller leveraged his prior professional experience with EMS to perform CPR and administer medication to reverse overdoses.

Soon Trooper Michael Lane responded to the scene and assisted with rescue efforts until EMS arrived. Trooper Zeller and Trooper Lane were able to re-establish a pulse and revive the man, who was ultimately transported to Boston Medical Center and is expected to recover.

“Thank you for recognizing the outstanding work of both Troopers and their unwavering dedication to the citizens of Massachusetts,” shared Colonel Christopher S. Mason, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police.

“These troopers immediately jumped into action, providing life-saving measures when every moment mattered,” said National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund CEO Marcia Ferranto. “Had it not been for the efforts of these two troopers, the outcome could have been much worse. Their quick, calculated actions make them worthy of being named Officers of the Month.”

For their quick action and implementation of life-saving emergency medical procedures, Trooper Zeller and Trooper Lane have been selected as our May Officers of the Month.