Texas Democrats On The Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Inauguration

Style Magazine Newswire | 1/22/2021, 10:36 a.m.
Texas Democrats are ecstatic Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been inaugurated as the President and Vice President of the …

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilbert Hinojosa issued the following statement:

Texas Democrats are ecstatic Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been inaugurated as the President and Vice President of the United States. But today is not simply a win for Democrats. Today we celebrate as Americans. After a difficult and dark four years, we have proven that our democracy has held, that the arc of justice bends towards the good, and that we are on the path to restoring the soul of our nation.

“As stated by Joe Biden, ‘it was never his nor Donald Trump’s place to declare a winner of the 2020 presidential election, that is a decision of the American people,’ and today our democracy rang loud as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were inaugurated.

“It’s time to get to work. There are challenges facing both Texas and the United States, challenges that we can only get through together. President Biden and Vice President Harris will immediately start undoing the incredibly cruel policies of the previous Administration.”

Texas Democratic Party Vice President Dr. Carla Brailey issued the following statement:

“Americans across the state and country are celebrating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ historic inauguration. The past four years have been very dark for our country. We are as divided as ever, but today’s win is a step toward the healing of our nation and unifying.

“As a woman of color, the historic victory of having our first female Vice President-elect, as well as our first black Vice President-elect, brings tears of joy as we have fought centuries for this moment. A historic coalition of voters, led by Black women, have saved our democracy by going to the polls and fighting back against Republican voter suppression in spite of a global pandemic, toxic misinformation, and horrifying scare tactics.

“America today is back on the path to being the land of opportunity, of advancement and of progress for all people and creeds. Americans cannot wait for President Biden and Vice President Harris to get to work to provide relief to millions of Americans who are suffering from this pandemic, who are out of work, who lack access to affordable health care.

“Today is a truly momentous occasion and I congratulate all who helped this moment become reality. America is back on track. We couldn’t be more-proud today of President Biden and Vice President Harris. It is time to get to work.”
