Creative Pumpkin Workout from Planet Fitness

Style Magazine Newswire | 10/26/2021, 11:13 a.m.


Jack-o-Lantern Jumping Jacks

While holding your pumpkin firmly with both hands at chest height and feet hip-width apart, “Jack” those sneakers in and out while simultaneously raising the pumpkin up and down above your head.

Spooky Squash Squat and Swing

Now widen your feet out to about shoulder-width apart and hold that pumpkin tightly with both hands. Lower your hips into a squat and then explode up through your heels while swinging the pumping safely to your right or left at the same time of twisting at the hips.

Pumpkin Plyo Hops

It’s time to place your pumpkin on the ground and raise that heart rate! Stand to the left or right of your pumpkin with your feet about 6 inches apart. Now, explode up as you drive your knees towards your chest, bouncing laterally over the pumpkin. Keep the hop going as you return to the side you started from.

Pumpkin Spice Crunch & Carve

Since we already have our gourd on the ground, we might as well get to carving right?! Not… So… Fast! Let’s use the pumpkin to do some power sit-ups (holding the pumpkin overhead as you lay down and bringing it up with you overhead as you perform a crunch) and carve our core before we carve the Jack-o-Lantern!