The Buzz: District B's Weekly Newsletter

Style Magazine Newswire | 10/30/2023, 3 p.m.
Two years ago, community members and I took Parks Director Kenneth Allen and other council members on tours of District …
City Councilwoman Tarsha Jackson

Two years ago, community members and I took Parks Director Kenneth Allen and other council members on tours of District B parks. I wanted Director Allen and my colleagues to hear our concerns and see the poor conditions of our parks.

One stop on our tour was Tidwell Park. At that time, the pool at Tidwell was slated for demolition to be replaced by a splash pad. I was told that we only had enough money to do that. My response was that we had to find more money because that pool had to be rebuilt.

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 28, we’re breaking ground on a new $15 million aquatic center at Tidwell Park. State Rep. Senfronia Thompson secured additional state funds that not only preserves Tidwell pool but will convert it into the city’s only year-round pool with an enclosure.

I’m excited about the progress we’ve made in getting our parks spruced up. I’m particularly grateful to Mayor Sylvester Turner. His focus on parks, on getting private dollars invested in our parks, has been transformative.

And other parks in our district will soon have ribbon cuttings to celebrate renovations. Here’s what’s on the calendar for November:

November 9: New basketball court at Highland Park in Acres Homes.

November 17: Scenic Woods Park

November 18: Evella Park.

November 30: Tuffly Park

Over the last two years, 22 parks in our district have seen major reconstruction. And we’re not done. I want all of our parks to shine, and we need new parks. Thriving communities have thriving parks, and that’s what I want for District B.

So let’s celebrate our accomplishments, beginning tomorrow at Tidwell Park, and continue working for our District.

Your Council Member,

Tarsha Jackson