Univision: Who is the Hispanic woman in charge of Joe Biden's re-election campaign?

By Leon Krauze | 9/7/2023, 3:25 p.m.
“50 years ago César Chávez led a historic fight for farmworkers rights. Today, his granddaughter Julie Chavez Rodriguez is also …

“Chavez grew up in the fields of the central valley of California and was involved in activism from a very young age with her family.”

Chavez Rodriguez: “It was one of the most amazing experiences to have as a child, you know being able to see people that were sacrificing so much and just really dedicated their lives to really helping farm workers, and those most in need.”

(On President Biden’s empathy and experiences with personal loss) Chavez Rodriguez: “I think it has really shaped who he is at its core, someone who is deeply compassionate, who understands the value of life.”

“For Julie Chavez, [her] compass is back in the California fields, in her family history, starting with the bust of her grandfather, which rests behind the president's desk in the White House.”

Chavez Rodriguez: “To actually walk into the Oval Office and see a bust of my grandfather, and of someone who symbolizes ‘La causa para nuestra gente’, was one of the most beautiful experiences.”

(Arturo Rodriguez, Julie’s Father, on her role): “She is the first Latina to ever serve in this position, and we know that Julie can do the work.”

“Julie wants to be a role model for Hispanic girls, so that they know that they can go far... she is doing it for all the women in this country and for all the Hispanics in this country. It's good to know that we have Julie there in charge of what will be next year's elections, and will look out for our interests just as her grandfather did.”

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