Inspiring Excellence: HCDE’s Top Educators for 2023-2024

Jo-Carolyn Goode | 5/16/2024, 11:24 a.m.
In a heartening celebration of educational dedication and resilience, the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) recently honored its outstanding …
Academic and Behavior East staff surround Angela Mitchell (holding check) for photos. Campus staff joined HCDE leaders in a surprise ceremony for Mitchell, who was named HCDE’s Educational Aide of the Year.


In a heartening celebration of educational dedication and resilience, the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) recently honored its outstanding educators for the 2023-2024 academic year. Among the esteemed recipients were Aurick Smither, hailed as Teacher of the Year, and Angela Mitchell, recognized as Educational Aide of the Year. Their stories are not only tales of professional achievement but also narratives of triumph over adversity and unwavering commitment to shaping young minds.

Teacher of the Year: Aurick Smither - A Beacon of Perseverance:

Aurick Smither's journey to becoming HCDE's Teacher of the Year embodies the essence of resilience and determination. As a middle school math teacher at Highpoint School, Smither doesn't just impart knowledge; he shares his own life experiences to inspire his students. Despite facing daunting challenges, including a near-fatal accident at just 10 months old and a later diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, Smither persevered. His indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to his craft have earned him not only accolades but also the profound respect of his colleagues and students alike.

Angela Mitchell: A Testament to Dedication and Compassion:

photo  Academic and Behavior East staff surround Angela Mitchell (holding check) for photos. Campus staff joined HCDE leaders in a surprise ceremony for Mitchell, who was named HCDE’s Educational Aide of the Year.

Angela Mitchell's transition from a successful career in finance to becoming HCDE's Educational Aide of the Year underscores her innate passion for nurturing young minds. Mitchell's journey into education was serendipitous, but her love for shaping young lives was undeniable from the start. Her firm yet compassionate approach resonates deeply with her students, creating a nurturing environment where they can thrive academically and emotionally. Mitchell's impact extends beyond the classroom, as she embodies the ethos of dedication and empathy that defines the educational profession.

Recognition and Gratitude:

Both Smither and Mitchell were celebrated not only with well-deserved accolades but also with tangible tokens of appreciation, including generous checks sponsored by the Education Foundation of Harris County and esteemed partners Imagine Learning and Insights to Behavior. Their dedication to their craft, coupled with their ability to inspire and uplift those around them, serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for the entire educational community.


As HCDE prepares to honor all nominees at the upcoming Celebration of Excellence, the stories of Aurick Smither and Angela Mitchell serve as poignant reminders of the transformative power of education and the unwavering dedication of its champions. In their own words and through their exemplary actions, Smither and Mitchell exemplify the very best of what it means to be educators, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of students for years to come.

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