Commemorating George Floyd: Documentary Announcement and Remembrance Event

Jo-Carolyn Goode | 5/24/2024, 12:26 p.m.
As we approach the four-year anniversary of George Floyd's tragic death, Radar Pictures, 8 Queens Film & Media Productions, and …

As we approach the four-year anniversary of George Floyd's tragic death, Radar Pictures, 8 Queens Film & Media Productions, and Night Fox Entertainment are proud to announce the production of “George Floyd: Daddy Changed the World.” This family-authorized biopic promises to capture the essence of George Floyd, whose name has become synonymous with the fight against police brutality and racial injustice.

Event Details

WHAT: The announcement of “George Floyd: Daddy Changed the World,” an exclusive biopic about George Floyd, authorized by his family.


- The family of George Floyd, including his daughter Gianna Floyd

- Directors of the biopic

- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

- Councilwoman Carolyn Evans-Shabazz

WHEN: Saturday, May 25, 2024, at 2 PM (early arrival suggested)

WHERE: Cuney Homes Community Center, 3260 Truxillo St., Houston, TX

Why This Event Matters

This event is not just about announcing a documentary; it is about honoring the life and legacy of George Floyd. As a global symbol in the fight against police brutality and racial injustice, Floyd's story is one of struggle, humanity, and the quest for justice. The biopic aims to portray him not as a flawless hero but as a real person with strengths and weaknesses. It will depict the tragic events leading to his murder and the subsequent worldwide protests that demanded change.

A Community Coming Together

The remembrance event at the Cuney Homes Community Center is an opportunity for the community to come together, reflect, and continue the dialogue on racial equality and justice. With the participation of prominent figures like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Councilwoman Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, the event underscores the ongoing commitment to these critical issues.

Continuing the Fight for Justice

George Floyd's death sparked a global movement, shining a light on systemic racism and police violence. This documentary will not only serve as a remembrance but also as a catalyst for continued activism and change. It is a chance to educate future generations about the importance of standing up for justice and equality.

Join Us

Join us on May 25, 2024, at the Cuney Homes Community Center to honor George Floyd's memory and to support the production of a documentary that aims to keep his legacy alive. This event is a step towards healing and unity, as we remember a man whose life and death continue to inspire change worldwide.