Buffalo Bayou Cistern_photo by Jo-Carolyn Goode
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Visit Houston: Give Your Family Something to Talk About
After some hugs, a few laughs, and a good meal visiting family can get restless. A survey conducted by Motel 6 showed that the average American can tolerate their family for only 4 hours; with 75% saying that after 4 hours (3 hours and 54 minutes to be exact), they need a break from their families. Instead of lounging around waiting on them to return to their respective homes, distract them with the beauty of Houston. As residents of the fourth largest city in the South, we can sometimes take for granted all the gems our city has to offer and some of us may not even know everything in our backyard because we stay confined in our own little bubble. Use this holiday season to discover or reconnect to your city, all while giving you’re visiting family something to go home and talk about.