Celebrating NASA’s Vanessa Wyche

Photography by Vicky Pink - Vanessa Wyche is a living history legend as the first African American Deputy Director at the Johnson Space Center. With this new role, she will help run the NASA Space Center with Director Mark Geyer and mentor minorities and woman. A celebration sponsored by the Houston Area Urban League, Houston Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Port City Chapter of the Links, Inc., and the Houston Chapter Associates of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was held n Wyche’s honor celebrating her accomplishments. Some in attendance were Judson Robinson Jr., State Rep. Borris Miles, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, Charlene James, Catherine Garner, LaDonna Harris, Sylvia Brooks, Eric Goodie, Carlecia Wright, Linda Knight Burkley, Barbara Roberts, Rhonda Arnold, and Tina Jones.