Senator Borris L. Miles SOUNDS THE ALARM: SB-2 is a Direct Attack on Texas Public Schools
Francis Page Jr. | 2/6/2025, 12:20 p.m.
For generations, Texas public schools have been the backbone of our communities, offering education and opportunity to students regardless of their economic background. Yet today, that foundation is under attack by Senate Bill 2 (SB-2), a thinly veiled attempt to dismantle our public education system in favor of a school voucher scheme that benefits the wealthy while leaving disadvantaged children behind.
Senator Borris L. Miles warns, "Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) seeks to destroy our public education system. Our public schools are already severely underfunded and overburdened with outdated resources and insufficient support for students with special needs."

The Real Cost of SB-2: Stealing from Public Schools to Fund Private Interests
Supporters of SB-2 claim that it offers parents “choice” in education, but let’s call this bill what it really is: a massive wealth transfer from our already underfunded public schools to private institutions that have no obligation to serve all students.
Public schools in Texas are struggling. Outdated resources, crumbling infrastructure, and a shortage of teachers plague many campuses—especially in Black and Latino neighborhoods. Instead of addressing these urgent issues, SB-2 proposes diverting critical taxpayer funds away from public education to subsidize private and religious schools that can pick and choose which students they accept. If this bill passes, our public schools—where the majority of Texas children learn—will be left with fewer resources, larger class sizes, and even fewer opportunities for students who need them the most.
Senator Miles emphasizes, "School vouchers divert much-needed funds from public schools and will only exacerbate the inequalities that our schools face, especially in Black and Brown neighborhoods."
A Two-Tiered Education System That Leaves Minority and Low-Income Students Behind
Let’s be clear: SB-2 is a blueprint for educational segregation. While private schools enjoy their new taxpayer-funded windfall, low-income and minority families—many of whom can’t afford the tuition difference even with a voucher—will be stuck in a declining public school system.
Harris County alone paints a clear picture of the inequality this bill promotes. The majority of private schools in the region are clustered in wealthier, predominantly white neighborhoods. Minority and low-income families won’t benefit from vouchers, as private schools remain largely out of reach due to additional fees, transportation barriers, and selective admissions practices. SB-2 is a rigged game where the rich win and the poor lose.
Senator Miles states, "This will lead to a further decline in the quality of education for students whose parents cannot afford to leave the public school system."
The Republican Playbook: Starve Public Schools, Then Blame Them for Failing
Texas Republicans pushing SB-2 claim they are empowering parents, but their track record tells a different story. For decades, they have systematically underfunded public education, then pointed to struggling schools as justification for privatization schemes like this one.
Governor Greg Abbott and his allies are eager to follow the disastrous example of other states that have embraced vouchers—like Arizona and Florida—where public schools have been gutted, teacher shortages have skyrocketed, and low-income students have suffered the most. Texas deserves better than to be the next casualty in this ideological war against public education.
Fighting Back: A Call to Action
We must stand up for our children, our teachers, and our communities. SB-2 is not just an education bill—it’s a direct attack on the future of Texas. If we allow this voucher scheme to pass, we will watch as our public schools deteriorate, segregation returns under the guise of “choice,” and only the privileged few reap the benefits.
Senator Miles firmly states, "We should not even be considering welfare for the wealthy by creating a two-tiered education system. SB 2 will turn back the clock and bring back school segregation that is Separate and Unequal."
We urge Texans to call their state representatives, organize in their communities, and demand full funding for public education. Every child, regardless of zip code, race, or income, deserves a quality education—not just those whose families can afford to game the system.
We won’t go back. We won’t accept a Texas where schools are separate and unequal.
We won’t let SB-2 steal the future from our children.
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