Supreme Court Rejects Texas Case On Gay-marriage Benefits

Style Magazine Newswire | 12/8/2017, 6:17 a.m.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to overturn a Texas ruling that raised questions about the rights of couples in …

Source: Austin Statesman

The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to overturn a Texas ruling that raised questions about the rights of couples in same-sex marriages. The controversy arose in June when the Texas Supreme Court revived a lawsuit that sought to eliminate benefits offered to the same-sex spouses of city of Houston employees, ruling that the right to a marriage license did not automatically entitle same-sex couples to spousal insurance benefits. Houston appealed, arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court needed to step in to protect the integrity of its 2015 ruling establishing a right to same-sex marriage. The high court, however, rejected the appeal without comment, allowing the Texas ruling to stand.