Pro-Vision Academy in Sunnyside Receives NFL Grant

Style Magazine Newswire | 2/6/2017, 8:21 a.m.
Pro-Vision Academy has received a grant for a new football stadium and track through the National Football League’s Super Bowl …
Pro-Vision Academy in Southeast Houston has received a Super Bowl Legacy Grant from the NFL Foundation to build a new football stadium and track. Among those symbolically breaking ground for that project were NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (fifth from left) and Pr-Vision Founder Roynell Young (sixth from left).

Pro-Vision Academy has received a grant for a new football stadium and track through the National Football League’s Super Bowl Legacy Grant program.

The announcement of the $1 million grant by the NFL Foundation to Pro-Vision and 14 other community organizations was made February 2 at the Academy by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Houston Texans General Manager Rick Smith and leaders of the Houston Super Bowl Host Committee.

“This is a significant day because it allows for Pro-Vision to get one step closer to our mission, which is to inspire hope and purpose in the lives of young people through access to academic, economic and social enrichment opportunities,” said Roynell Young, Pro-Vision founder and a former NFL player himself.

“The most important thing for us, other than having a great event, is to have an impact, a long-lasting impact, on the community,” said Commissioner Goodell. “Roynell, you are the definition of character, of commitment. Your dedication to the community, to the kids in this community, your integrity, it’s really quite remarkable and inspiring.”

The grant will allow Pro-Vision to begin work on a multi-purpose football stadium with a track and field that will be used not just by the Academy’s football team but also by the community, including the Pop Warner football program for youngsters and allowing everyone in the community to use the track for exercise. “As a key ingredient to a healthy community, you need healthy people in both mind and body,” said Young. “This investment will allow for this to happen.”

The grant recipients were chosen based on their contribution to the community’s

education, health and wellness. Ric Campo, chair of the Host Committee, pointed out “I have to tell you that at Pro-Vision, it was a trifecta. They connect with every one of those things.”

Other speakers at the news conference had praise for Young and Pro-Vision Academy:

Rick Smith, Texans GM and Pro-Vision Board Member: “I’m just really proud of what Roynell Young has been able to accomplish here and the vision that he has, affecting communities and people that really need it. And that’s what’s wonderful about this place. I think if you spend any time here, you will understand how significant the contributions of all the folks here at Pro-Vision and what they do. And we’re certainly proud as the Houston Texans and as a member of the board, very proud of this place.”

Houston City Councilmember Dwight Boykins, whose District D includes the Academy: “I have been a fan for what Roy has done for these young men in this neighborhood, in this school. And you talk about going on to college and the success rate, it’s just mind boggling. Because I was one of those inner city kids and people like Roy stepped into my life and now I’m a City Councilmember.”

Erica Lee Carter, Trustee, Harris County Board of Education, who was also representing her mother, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee: “(Congresswoman Jackson Lee) has always believed in your vision, Pro-Vision Academy, and in the vision for all of our children. When you invest in our children, you’re investing in not only their promise but in their potential. We’re not only going to have future NFL players, but coaches, general managers and maybe a commissioner.”

After the news conference on Pro-Vision Academy’s current field, a symbolic groundbreaking was held for the future stadium and track with all the speakers digging up a shovelful of dirt.

“It is my honor to have been able to serve this community for the past 26 years,” said Young. “And I pledge to all who are here today, that we will continue to work hard, to be good stewards of all and any resources that are invested in this organization.”

Following this event, current and former NFL players conducted a panel discussion on the importance of character education with some of the Pro-Vision Academy students.

Pro-Vision provides a holistic, rigorous educational model which seeks to develop self-esteem, job and study skills and a sense of social responsibility and ethics. Its goal is to provide life-changing programs that help young people achieve their full potential. Pro-Vision’s impact is felt every day when young people discover their unshakable purpose, when a mentor inspires a youth to succeed and persevere against all odds and when a community is transformed. So far, Pro-Vision has impacted the lives of 3,000 young men in its 20-year history.