More Than One Million Undocumented People Live In Houston And Dallas Combine

Style Magazine Newswire | 2/24/2017, 10:30 a.m.
A new Pew study shows that the majority of the United States’ 11.1 million undocumented people are spread across just …
Luis Navarro and other protesters/Jensen Walker/Getty

A new Pew study shows that the majority of the United States’ 11.1 million undocumented people are spread across just twenty metro areas, with Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth cracking the top five areas with the largest undocumented populations. Nearly 1.1 million undocumented people live in Houston and the DFW—about 575,000 in Houston and 475,000 in DFW. That lands the two Texas cities at number three and number four, respectively, on Pew’s list, behind only New York City and Los Angeles. Austin rounds out the bottom of the list with 100,000 undocumented people.

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