Cecilia Smith Austin | 1/20/2017, 10:48 a.m.
Whether juggling the demands of a career, a growing family or even both, it’s nearly impossible to find a healthy …
entrepreneur and speaker Nicole Coleman

Whether juggling the demands of a career, a growing family or even both, it’s nearly impossible to find a healthy balance between work and home but us women are resilient and we seem to be able to accomplish the task with stride. We take risks each and every day; risks to create and build the life we want to lead. Venturing out into entrepreneurship is a difficult decision, requiring tenacity as well as the ability to accept that failure is, at times, inevitable. However, when our dreams come to fruition and it is successful, what an amazing feeling of accomplishment!

For entrepreneur and speaker Nicole Coleman it’s a path that came unexpectedly after a sudden illness landed her in the ER. Faced with the possibility of her mortality, Coleman decided to transform a lingering idea into reality. Turning fear and uncertainty into strength, Coleman decided to make it her mission to encourage and inspire others and from there the concept of becoming “SuperBOLD” was born.

Now, that idea has blossomed into a movement, as Coleman prepares to deliver the first inaugural SuperBOLD Women’s Empowerment Brunch, a celebration of like-minded women united by the desire to succeed and create an innovative network of ideas.

Set to take place during this year’s Super Bowl XVI frenzy, on February 3rd, Coleman’s event will take over Houston’s famed St. Regis Hotel. Taking time out of her increasingly packed schedule, Coleman discussed with Houston Style her journey and her inspiration for the highly anticipated empowerment event.

Warm and determined, she explained, “I’m just excited about this journey and for the people that I connect with along the way. Knowing that people are rooting for you makes you want to not drop the ball. There’s no task too great that can prevent what God has for you.”

Turning a Potential Tragedy Into Motivation:

While I was in the ER I got motivated to do more. I’m having these thoughts and the gravity of the situation just hit me: ‘What if I’m not around? What will my children know about me? Would they know my drive?’ I just kept hearing “Be Bold.” From there I just got hungrier. A lot has happened in a short amount of time considering I sent my first email a few months ago. I gave myself a short window. Once I put it out there, I just had to keep it moving. That’s what it really means to be bold.

You Don’t Have to Be Superwoman

It’s like mommyhood on steroids. I’m turning 40 this year, everyone asks how I do it and I honestly don’t know. I want to give myself the life I know that I deserve. I want to give back to my kids, to my marriage. Someone must have prayed for me, really hard (laughs.). Sometimes you find yourself going through the motions, you’re living in the present but not actually there. I’m not alone, you are not alone. We all battle. I’m just encouraged to be encouraged.

On Building a Legacy

We’re trying to build and grow. In five years maybe we’ll have a SuperBOLD Women’s Retreat. I want people to leave with good vibes and vibrations, to amplify whatever it is that’s already in them. I think we might be on to something here. I’m looking at who’s a trailblazer or charting their own course, on their own terms. Not only women, but couples and mothers as well. Men are definitely welcome as well.

Turning Your Gift Into a Craft

This empowerment brunch is the brainchild of a lot of different things. I have a history of helping other people accomplish their dreams and goals, but had never tried to put myself out there to be in the spotlight. I want to create my own platform so that I can create an opportunity for like-minded women. Don’t give up. Keep moving. When it’s time, it’s your time.

Featuring a keynote speech from Claire Sulmers, Editor-In-Chief of Fashion Bomb Daily, make sure you’re in the building by visiting