Obamas Donating $2 Million to South Side Summer Jobs Program

CNN/Stylemagazine.com Newswire | 5/5/2017, 2:45 p.m.
Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama announced a new financial commitment to the South Side of …

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama announced a new financial commitment to the South Side of Chicago Tuesday, the eventual home of Obama's presidential library. "Michelle and I will personally donate $2 million to our summer jobs programs here in the community so that right away people can get to work and we can start providing opportunity for them," Obama said, noting that the center itself will not open for four more years. Event also revealed a little about Obama’s Presidential Center that will be built in Chicago's Jackson Park, and Obama estimated that the center itself will create 200-300 jobs, adding that studies show it will ultimately generate "1,400-1,500 (jobs) in the construction phase and another 2,000 in the overall economic development of the area."