Mayor Sylvester Turner Celebrates Passage of City Propositions

Style Magazine Newswire | 11/10/2017, 10:06 a.m.
Mayor Sylvester Turner made a major push for voters to say yes to bond propositions A, B, C, D, and …
Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston City Council and others celebrate the city's victory/Twitter-houstontx

Mayor Sylvester Turner made a major push for voters to say yes to bond propositions A, B, C, D, and E and it worked. All city propositions passed to his delight including the $1billion pension bond that will shrink the city’s pension liability (that stands at $8 billion plus) taking it from the red to the black without raising taxes. Although some benefits for employees were cut, the city is putting funds into the police pension and municipal workers fund. This is also a big win for city employees since many of them would have lost their jobs if it has not passed. Mayor Turner called the passage of the legislation “a victory for the city of Houston.” Other cities are taking close look at Houston to resolve their own financial woes.