Here's What Really Cuts Black Lives Short!

Style Magazine Newswire | 11/15/2017, 8:25 a.m.
The American Heart Association just released new information that explains why black people do not live as long as white …

The American Heart Association just released new information that explains why black people do not live as long as white people. Their life expectancy is 3 years shorter than for white people. Why? A recent study showed that higher rates of heart disease and stroke may be a major reason why.

According to researchers, heart disease and stroke contributed to more than 2 million years of life lost among black people between 1999 and 2010. In addition, heart disease and stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes also start at an earlier age among black people than white people.

Even children are affected

Even among black children, 14 percent of black children have high blood pressure, compared to 8 percent of white children. Twenty percent of black children aged 2 to 19 are obese, compared to 15 percent of white children. The differences among adults is 58 percent of black women and 38 percent of black men are obese, compared to 33 percent of white women and 34 percent of white men.

The solution

A major contributing factor to the higher rate of heart disease and stroke among blacks that cuts their lives short is poverty and a lack of healthcare coverage. African-Americans are also more likely to have persistent economic stress and to face concerns about maintaining their health, according to the study.

To read the full report by the American Heart Association, visit

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