Chicago Teen Found Dead in Rosemont Hotel Freezer

CNN/ Newswire | 9/15/2017, 7:23 a.m.
Police are investigating the death of19-year-old Chicago teen Kenneka Jenkins after she was found in a hotel’s walk-in freezer.
Kenneka Jenkins

Police are investigating the death of19-year-old Chicago teen Kenneka Jenkins after she was found in a hotel’s walk-in freezer. The woman was last seen partying in celebration of her new job when friends called her mother saying they could not find her. Tereasa Martin, Jenkins’ mother, contacted both the hotel and police for help in searching for her daughter. However, police advised her to wait a few more hours as her daughter could still be out partying elsewhere. Martin did eventually file a police report, which made hotel workers canvass the premises to discover Jenkins in the freezer. Jenkins was pronounced dead at the scene.