METRO Leader Recognized Nationally as Transit Manager of the Year

Style Magazine Newswire | 7/26/2018, 4:44 p.m.
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is recognizing METRO President & CEO Tom Lambert as its Outstanding Public Transportation Manager …
METRO President & CEO Tom Lambert

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is recognizing METRO President & CEO Tom Lambert as its Outstanding Public Transportation Manager for 2018. The award honors a public transportation system manager who has made outstanding contributions to the transit industry.

"Tom Lambert is a proactive executive leader whose leadership skills have made a significant difference for METRO for nearly 40 years. Before becoming METRO’s CEO, he was the system’s first Chief of Police ... His skills in emergency and incident management came to the forefront last year as METRO helped move 15,500 people to shelters during Hurricane Harvey. The redesign of the bus network in 2015 has been used as a model by transit systems across the world. These are just a few of the ways that he has made a difference for METRO and the residents of Houston," said APTA President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas.

Under Lambert's tenure, METRO has received many industry accolades for everything from financial transparency to emergency response efforts. He credits his success to the dedicated effort of METRO's Board of Directors and staff.

“It is a surprise and tremendous honor to receive this award from my peers. Through innovation and collaboration, our team works each day to improve and expand multi-modal services to the public. I accept this award on their behalf and feel grateful to be recognized in this way,” said Lambert.

METRO Board Chair Carrin Patman congratulated Lambert at today's board meeting.

“Tom Lambert is an outstanding CEO and true champion of transit. He created a diverse executive leadership team and serves as a mentor to the next generation of leaders. Whether it’s an emergency like Hurricane Harvey, big sporting events or everyday trips to work and school, Tom is always focused on transit’s role in improving the quality of life in the nation’s fourth largest city,“ said Chair Patman.

Lambert will accept the award at APTA's Annual Meeting scheduled for September in Nashville.