Here's how Arya actually killed the Night King on 'Game of Thrones'

CNN/ Newswire | 5/28/2019, 10:05 a.m.
"Game of Thrones" may be over, but the moment when Arya Stark laid waste to one of the show's biggest …
"Game of Thrones" may be over, but the moment when Arya Stark laid waste to one of the show's biggest villains will never get old.

Originally Published: 27 MAY 19 09:29 ET

Updated: 27 MAY 19 11:32 ET

By AJ Willingham, CNN

(CNN) -- "Game of Thrones" may be over, but the moment when Arya Stark laid waste to one of the show's biggest villains will never get old.

Sure, she was a faceless assassin/water dancer/acrobatic killing machine, but if you were still wondering how she got enough air to sneak up on the Night King and deliver the stab that ended winter, the "Game of Thrones" documentary has your answer.

In "The Last Watch," which chronicles the making of "Game of Thrones'" eighth and final season, writer Bryan Cogman narrates the moments in the script leading up to the big kill in episode 3.

As the actors react, he says Arya "vaults off a pile of dead wights," thus giving us the shot of her descending, cat-like, from behind the Night King.

Now, a few things. We don't actually get to see that moment in the episode, but just because it was written in the script's directions doesn't mean it made the final edit.

After all, seeing how she managed to pull off such a jump would kind of take away from the whole surprise.

Also, in the scene, there doesn't seem to be a big pile of dead wights in the godswood off which to vault. But there certainly are a lot of dead Greyjoy men, and with the Night King around, dead people are just wights waiting to happen.

So there you have it. She didn't drop from a tree or pull some Matrix-style manipulation. It was just some good ol' wight-assisted track and field.