Black naturopathic doctors introduce alternative health guide

Style Magazine Newswire | 11/20/2019, 1:48 p.m.

The disparate relationship between African Americans and the healthcare system has long been documented, leading many African Americans to seek alternative therapy. However, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes are still some of the leading causes of African American illness and deaths.

This disparity led Dr. Turshá Hamilton, a naturopathic doctor based in New Orleans, to gather a group of other African American female naturopaths and a naturopath doctoral candidate to create The Black Family Health-O-Pedia: A Holistic Health Resource By Naturopathic Physicians for the African American Community, an anthology that addresses the health disparities amongst African Americans in the United States and introduces accurate information about holistic health.

"This book is the first to be written specifically for the black community by Black naturopathic doctors,” Hamilton explained. “The community needs to know that there are doctors who can support them holistically as they regain and maintain their health. We are here, and we are experts in this area."

The contributing authors, Dr. Shavon Jackson-Michel, Dr. Keshia Tate, who currently practice in Montclair, N.J., and Phoenix, Ariz., respectively, and Ms. Erin Arney, a fourth-year medical student at Bastyr University in San Diego, Calif., and co-author of the textbook Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities, bring readers different perspectives. Jackson-Michel specializes in intentional and sustainable health, while Tate focuses on optimal health and wellness through wealth strategies. Arney’s studies focus on mental health, adolescent medicine, and addiction medicine.

“These ladies were chosen to be in this book because of their areas of expertise and their passion to reach the African American community in a new way,” Hamilton explained. “Their unique voices and ideas give this book a well-rounded experience because they each bring distinctive and effective approaches to health and naturopathic medicine.”

This project will be Hamilton’s sixth book. She has also authored five health publications, including Practically Healthy: Step-By-Step Guide to Better Health, the Practically Healthy: Roadmap to Success workbook, Get Dressed Up: Over 100 Gourmet Style Salad Dressings That Can Be Made in 10 Minutes or Less, Take Vacations Daily: Learning to Live More and Stress Less, and 3 Dimensions of Hot and Spicy Relationships: Mind, Body & Spirit.

The Black Family Health-O-Pedia is scheduled for release Nov. 26, 2019, and will be available in paperback for $19.99, and ebook for $3.99 on Amazon and For more information, email