School bus stress: transportation companies are concerned about school-year uncertainty

CNN/ Newswire | 8/17/2020, 12:28 p.m.
The buses are still big and yellow at Pocono Transportation in Covington Township, but the rides this year will be …
The buses are still big and yellow at Pocono Transportation in Covington Township, but the rides this year will be unlike any others./Credit: WNEP

By Sarah Buynovsky

LACKAWANNA COUNTY, PA (WNEP) -- The buses are still big and yellow at Pocono Transportation in Covington Township, but the rides this year will be unlike any others.

“Everything seems to be different. We all talk about going back to the normal or trying to make it as normal as possible. The problem is there’s nothing normal about it," said Aaron Sepkowski of Pocono Transportation.

The health crisis may mean a limited number of students aboard each bus this school year, increased cleaning and sanitizing, and new mask and social distancing rules, too for students and drivers, but the president of Pocono Transportation said the guidelines from state and federal leaders are always changing.

“The information is contradictory from the federal government to the state government. We really need to get on the same page, especially for this industry. We’re dealing with children. We’re not hauling garbage or cars. Whether it’s politics or not, we need to out that aside, meet in the middle and let’s try something," said Sepkowski.

Transportation officials at Pocono Transportation said most of their drivers are in their mid-60s and they need more.

They are looking to hire. They said they know of mom-and-pop school bus operations that are closing down because of all this uncertainty.

“There are mom and pops just folding because information is coming out so slow. They don’t know how to make their payments, don’t forget. We haven’t been working since March and everyone thinks the yellow school buses just pick up the kids, what about the athletic buses we were told to buy? A school bus costs approximately $90,000. I have over $6½ million of assets sitting here that we’re not sure what to do with.”

Sepkowski is urging government leaders on all levels to help companies like his right now. He says transportation is a key part of the educational process.