U.S. Senators and Key State Officials Praise Biden’s Build Back Better Plan

Style Magazine Newswire | 7/9/2020, 1:19 p.m.
Even before COVID-19, Donald Trump and his administration continuously failed the American people and turned their backs on workers. The …

Even before COVID-19, Donald Trump and his administration continuously failed the American people and turned their backs on workers. The national pandemic shed a harsh light on Republicans’ priorities — putting wealth over hard work. Today, Joe Biden released his “Build Back Better” plan, which will create jobs, invest in a comprehensive manufacturing and innovation strategy, and protect the rights of workers.

U.S. Senators and key state officials from across the country praised Vice President Biden’s plan:

“I think there's a lot of boldness in the level that Vice President Biden wants to invest in America — I think that's not only a progressive priority but something people across the aisle can get on board with, too. I think it's in keeping with Joe Biden's instincts to bring people together, but I think it's also in practical terms what makes sense for the economy. We need to invest in our own competitiveness, both in order to grow here at home and in order to compete with increasingly powerful economic competitors like China. We need to make sure we're less dependent on supply chains for critical goods and infrastructure like we're seeing now with pharmaceutical issues on countries like China and we need to make sure American workers come first to me, that's bedrock for what the Democratic party is about,” said Mayor Pete Buttigieg on CNBC's Squawkbox.

“Joe Biden has a program to get America off of the knock down that she has experienced. And frankly under this Administration, we have been knocked down. It’s the worst depression since the Great Depression. Joe Biden has a plan to be both the manufacturing and innovation President — I’m excited about that. Creating great union jobs and focusing on every american having an opportunity and every American family … That means good wages, good benefits and investing in the nation. I believe that progressiveness is moving the country forward and we are certainly not where we need to be,” said Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom.

“In order to have a strong economy and a strong middle class, we need to make products here in America, and that is what we do best in Michigan,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow. “As co-chair of the bipartisan Senate Manufacturing Caucus, I'm laser-focused on helping our manufacturers create high-tech jobs and ensuring our workers have the skills they need to get better jobs and better wages. Joe Biden’s plan underscores the importance of investing in America, which means exporting our products, not our jobs. And, he’ll ensure that our workers are given the tools necessary to have the fair shot they need to get ahead.”

"Whether it's revitalizing American manufacturing or bringing back critical supply chains, we need to invest in building jobs and opportunities right here in Michigan and across the country," said Senator Gary Peters. "Prior to working in Congress for the people of Michigan, I worked helping families plan for their retirement and save for their children’s college education. Joe Biden’s plan is an investment in the future of America’s economy that centers on strengthening middle class families and providing economic opportunity for both urban and rural communities, with historic investments in communities of color."

"Our country will not achieve true economic and racial equality until we have a leader in the White House that truly espouses our nation’s core values of liberty and justice for all,” said Connecticut Treasurer Shawn T. Wooden. “Joe Biden’s plan will not only spur economic growth through strengthening policies on education, healthcare and housing, but it’ll do so with a true commitment to equity, which has been missing from our White House for the past four years. Connecticut’s economic future, and the country’s, will be better off with Biden at the helm."