Congressman Al Green Signs On As A Co-Sponsor Of The Coronavirus Immigration Families Protection Act – To Combat COVID-19

Style Magazine Newswire | 5/14/2020, 5:01 p.m.
On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, Congressman Al Green became a cosponsor of H.R. 6437, the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act. …
Congressman Al Green

On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, Congressman Al Green became a cosponsor of H.R. 6437, the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act. He also joined a bicameral letter with CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu and Senator Mazie Hironolast month calling on House and Senate leadership to include these same protections in the next coronavirus relief package.

Congressman Al Green released the following statement: “It is my great honor to cosponsor H.R. 6437, the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act, with several of my colleagues. When we speak of vulnerable communities disparately impacted by COVID-19 in the United States, we cannot forget immigrant families who are unable to access many resources vital to surviving this crisis,”

Congressman Al Green stated. “I have consistently held that this virus knows no geographical, racial, or ethnic barriers. An individual’s birthplace does not provide them immunity or increased

susceptibility. This is why we must ensure that every person in the United States can access testing, treatment, information, and relief provided by the legislation Congress is working tirelessly to pass.”

Congressman Green added, “I sign on to H.R. 6437 with many of my constituents in mind. I have constituents who have come to America from across the globe and have striven to attain the American dream for themselves and their families. They are essential workers on the front lines in grocery stores, retail stores, fast food restaurants, and hospitals. They are our neighbors, co-workers, fellow congregants at places of worship, and friends. What happens in one community can impact all communities. We in Congress must ensure that our immigrant communities receive the same protections as every other American during this pandemic.”