MOVE Texas on the Passage of Voter Suppressing SB 7
Style Magazine Newswire | 4/6/2021, 12:35 p.m.
Today, after Senate Bill 7 passed the Texas Senate, MOVE Texas released a statement rebuking the bill and the legislators complicit in shepherding in restrictive, discriminatory anti-voter legislation that will disproportionately harm Black and brown voters, disabled, elderly and low-income voters.
MOVE Texas Action Fund Executive Director H. Drew Galloway issued the following statement:
“Make no mistake, Senate Bill 7 will disproportionately restrict the safety, security and accessibility of all eligible voters but especially that of marginalized communities and deny young, disabled, Black and Brown voters their voice in the rising Texas electorate.
While Texans just experienced the most corrosive assault on voting rights of our lifetime, outrage over Senate Bill 7 should be everywhere. Voter Suppression bills like SB 7 are coming to a statehouse near you. This is the most blatant attempt at voter suppression since Jim Crow.
“Texas is already one of the hardest states to vote in in the country. We should be expanding the right to vote, not restricting it. We need every Texan to stand up now and proclaim loudly that we will not stand for voter suppression.
“In the interim, MOVE Texas will continue to fight for our right to vote and continue to register Texans across the state. We’re not only in a battle to save our state, but our entire democracy. The only way to beat these policies is to register more Texans than ever before and to vote for legislators who believe that Texans have a fundamental right to vote.”