Mayor Turner’s Statement On ExxonMobil’s Carbon Capture and Storage Project

Style Magazine Newswire | 4/23/2021, 11:23 a.m.
This week, ExxonMobil announced a $100 billion Carbon Capture and Storage project.

This week, ExxonMobil announced a $100 billion Carbon Capture and Storage project.

The following statement is from Houston Mayor – Sylvester Turner.

  • “As we celebrate Earth Day and the one-year anniversary of the Houston Climate Action Plan, I am pleased to see ExxonMobil’s commitment to reducing the Houston area’s industrial carbon dioxide emissions. Our Climate Action Plan is about partnership. The energy industry is a key partner. We have always said that the Climate Action Plan is not about moving Houston away from the energy industry but about moving the energy industry forward. ExxonMobil’s announcement to create a carbon capture Innovation zone in the Houston area is an example of the energy industry moving forward.

  • “Our region is home to some of the largest carbon emitters in the country, and we all have a responsibility and role to play in decarbonization. We all recognize that to stop climate change, we need to reach the Paris Agreement goal of carbon neutrality sooner and cut our emissions in half by 2030.

  • “The City of Houston is doing our part by using 100% clean, renewable energy and reducing emissions in our building, waste, and transportation systems. But we will all reach our goals faster when the energy industry itself commits to investing in innovative technologies such as battery storage, carbon capture, and clean hydrogen – and bringing these technologies to scale.

  • “This proposal by ExxonMobil is the type of bold ambition and investment we will need to meet our climate goals and protect our communities from climate change. ExxonMobil’s proposal represents a significant step forward for the energy industry, and I hope it brings more companies to the table to help Houston lead a global energy transition.”