Danish Minister of Environment Visits PVAMU Campus

Style Magazine Newswire | 12/10/2021, 10:41 a.m.
On Monday, November 29, 2021, the Danish Minister of Environment, Lea Wermelin, the Royal Consulate General of Denmark, and Prairie …

On Monday, November 29, 2021, the Danish Minister of Environment, Lea Wermelin, the Royal Consulate General of Denmark, and Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) College of Agriculture and Human Sciences Dean and Director of Land Grant Programs, Gerard D’Souza, Ph.D., met to establish a partnership between the college and the agency.

The university and the ministry signed a memorandum of understanding sealing a promise to aid one another in building a future that primarily relies on alternative energy resources for a more sustainable climate. The partnership may feature opportunities such as study abroad programs, internships, careers, and more for both Danish and PVAMU students in the agricultural field and other related disciplines.

Minister Wermelin arrived at the PVAMU Welcome Center and delivered a presentation to students about the agency’s work. She relayed her enthusiasm about the desire to work closely with a college for this timely endeavor.

Wermelin said there is a need for young people “who are willing to invest all their thoughts and their career in making the green ambitions more concrete… even though we know a lot today, we still need all of these projects to scale our economy.”

“For the future of our children, I, and the Danish government, strongly believe that we have an obligation to learn to share the knowledge we already have with the rest of the world,” she added.

Denmark has become renowned for its dedication to green solutions and has committed to spreading its resources worldwide. The ministry currently partners with the City of Houston Mayor’s Office to convert city sewage and wastewater into biogas.

Regarding the new partnership, D’Souza said, “establishment of partnerships, including in this case with international partners such as Denmark, will better position us to be at the forefront of research, academics, and outreach efforts in food, water, and energy sustainability.”

After the student presentation, Wermelin met with PVAMU President Ruth Simmons, Ph.D., James Palmer, Ph.D., and other university officials. Later in the trip, she was given a tour of the International Goat Research Center and an overview of the farm’s sustainability efforts.

The next steps for the ministry and the CAHS department will involve further cementing the partnership and executing these mutually beneficial programs for active collaboration.