Dr. Nadia Lopez's Programs Help Administrators, Teachers, Students and Parents In Schools Across the Country
Style Magazine Newswire | 7/18/2022, 4:43 p.m.
Dr. Nadia Lopez, acclaimed middle school founder and principal, award-winning education specialist, leadership coach and best-selling author, has announced that her program, The Lopes Effect, will expand to schools across the country.
Dr. Lopez recognizes the tremendous pressures that administrators, students, teachers, and parents are under in the school environment today. From the residual shocks of school shootings to the controversies over mask-wearing, to the loss of learning caused by the Pandemic, to the debates over curriculum, Dr. Lopez works in and with schools to alleviate today's most pressing educational problems.
In consulting with school principals and administrators, Lopez provides the strategic planning tools to strengthen best practices by identifying key issues and providing real strategies for action. As a sounding board when working one-on-one with teachers, she actively listens to their concerns, which often have not been heard. Additionally, she consults with parents to help them overcome issues affecting their children.
Dr. Lopez offers customized programs, workshops and training in one-year, six months, or eight-week segments, which deliver real results. Programs deal with leadership and personal development, school improvement strategies, community building, self-care/mental health issues, and team development. Her podcast, ElevatED, empowers educators to prioritize themselves.