My Plan For Us To Win

Style Magazine Newswire | 6/27/2022, 10:51 a.m.
First, we need to know Our Win Number and make sure that all of our Precinct Chairs, County Party Chairs, …
Carroll G. Robinson

First, we need to know Our Win Number and make sure that all of our Precinct Chairs, County Party Chairs, SDEC Members, Democratic Caucuses, Clubs, Candidates, Officeholders, Donors and Allied Organizations know Our Win Number and what they need to do to do to turnout their share of Our Win Number. (On Average-800 votes per precinct, 25,000 per county and 200,000 votes per senate district. More numbers will be shared at the State Party Convention, in Dallas, July 14-16, 2022.)

I will hold six regional meetings across the State before the end of August with SDEC Members, County Party Chairs, Precinct Chairs, Democratic Candidates, local & county Officeholders, Democratic Clubs, College and Young Dems, Donors and Allied Organizations to 1) layout the numbers and detailed analytics of Our Win Number, 2) discuss strategic messaging for each county and senate district in that region and 3) develop a localized Coordinated Campaign Strategy & Budget, joint fundraising events and initiatives and political strategies. All Statewide nominees and their political and fundraising staff will be included in these meetings.

Second, provide funding and fundraising assistance directly to county parties along with college and young Democrats. Host joint fundraising events and programs also. Assign regional directors to specific counties in rural and suburban counties where Democrats have the best opportunity to significantly increase our share of the vote, in November.

Third, have the Political Director of TDP reach out to all our 2022 nominees before the end of August to see what help and assistance they need to win. Also have the Political Director reach out to all locally elected Democrats across the state to engage them in helping with voter contact and voter turnout in their district and local community.

Fourth, work with partners and donors to target 12 State House races and 6 State Senate races to start the mission of Winning Back A Democratic Majority in the Texas Legislature.

Fifth, work with Precinct Chairs and County Party Chairs and volunteers to 1) verify the VAN data precinct by precinct (before Labor Day) and 2) register unregistered voters as they walk precincts. TDP will provide standardized door hangers encouraging people to Vote Democrats Up & Down The Ballot, Top To Bottom. Use door-hangers, text messages, emails, social media ads and radio ads to direct Texans to the TDP County by County Voter Guides.

Sixth, develop County by County Voter Guides and distribute them to by mail voters before the end of August. Distribute to Early in Person voters by September and distribute at targeted polling locations and run as a print ad in rural and suburban newspapers and publications. Also distribute through faith leaders and community based organizations.

Seventh, drive the Message that Republicans are hunting all of us not just so-called RINOs. Republicans are hunting women, Trans children and their families, our right to privacy, our voting rights, our right to organize, our democracy and they are letting people hunt our children in their schools with weapons of war.

Also, put up billboards and 4 by 8s in our rural and suburban counties across the state with the message “To Do Better, Vote Democrat”.

Eight, raise money with a national small dollar donor email, text message and phone banking campaign. Rent & Buy available national donor lists.

Target Texas small dollar donors and ask them to invest half of their donations to TDP, our county parties and candidates. Ask Texas donors to do A New Texas Two Step.

Establish a TDP Donor Council Co-Chaired by two to four major Texas donors along with the TDP Vice Chair of Finance.

Organize fundraisers and donor meetings across Texas, in California, Illinois, Florida, Atlanta, DC, New York and Boston.

Send out thank you letters/emails & calls to all donors as well as Democratic primary voters and newly registered voters.

Overarching Goals:

Defend, Protect, Engage and Energize our voter base in South Texas and Hispanic voters all across Texas to turnout and win at least 2 million Hispanic Democratic voters, in November.

Win a minimum of 2 million Black Democratic voters, in November.

Win a minimum of 1.5 million white voters, in November, with a focus on white women in the suburbs and increasing the Democratic share of rural county voters by at least 10% in East, West and Central Texas. Red Texas Democrats need to know that they are not alone. (As Chair I will use the TDP General Counsel to actively sue to defend and protect Democratic voters our candidates and officeholders. We are going to let Republicans know their time is up and their day has passed.)

Win 1 million Asian Pacific Islanders and Muslim Democratic votes, in November.

Finally, I believe a staff reflects the culture of its leadership. I will be keeping all the current staff members who want to stay when I am elected Chair that are committed to customer service to our county parties, nominees and bringing our donors, precinct chairs, local elected officials, college and young democrats fully into the messaging, fundraising and decision-making process of TDP. We are a political party and not a social club. Our job at TDP-and in our county parties-is to draw bigger circles to take more people in to Win Elections; To Win Statewide races and win back a majority in the Texas State House, State Senate and elect Democrats up and down the ballot, with a special focus on electing Democrats to the Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals.

This is the plan. Call me directly with any questions or suggestions. If, like me, you are tired of losing, tired of excuses and tired of the defenders of the status quo who refuse to learn the real lessons of past defeats, it’s time we do something new. We can’t keep electing the same people, doing the same things and expect a different result.

It is time for a new State Party Chair. To win, we have new ideas and new leadership. I am open to all good ideas and suggestions.

It’s time we start winning again!

Carroll G. Robinson