Interview: Dr. Abenaa Bailey Chimes In On The Event Of The Year With Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University

Keandra "Ke Ke" Scott Tatum | 11/30/2022, noon
In an interview ahead of the Leaders Esteem event of the year, Dr. Abenna Bailey sheds light on what it …

Don't be afraid, Be focused, Be determined, Be hopeful, Be empowered. - Michelle Obama

Dr. Abenna Bailey is a lobbyist, educator, an entrepreneur and sits on the advisory committee for LECBU. We got a chance to get her thoughts on the highly anticipated Leaders Esteem Award Ceremony and an opportunity to share some inspiration to our readers.

Ke'Ke: What feeds your inspiration daily?

Dr. Bailey: Daily meditation, Spend time with like minded individuals, and nothing can happen without God ordaining it. Psalm 57:2 says, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” This is key in understanding God's purpose for your life. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose he has for me.

Ke'Ke: Can you sum up Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University in 3 words for us?

Dr. Bailey: Leadership, Integrity & Transparency

Ke'Ke: Do you have any advice for those seeking to be a Christian Coach or Licensed Counselor?

Dr. Bailey: Someone who can help develop specific visions and develop goals and steps to accomplish what he/she has in mind by giving good guidance.

Ke'Ke: What can attendees, grads and honorees expect this year?

Dr. Bailey: A life changing defining moment that will be an embedded milestone in their life!

Ke'Ke: What are the most important attributes of a successful leader in the community?

Dr. Bailey: A successful leader must possess empathy, the ability to inspire, strong communication and pride in their community. Being an effective leaders are problem solvers who involve all members of their teams. They get people to work together toward a common goal. They focus on building effectiveness – the ability to get things done for their community.

For More Information about Leaders Esteem Christian Bible University, please visit:

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