The Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2nd Annual Data Summit: A Dive into the Ascendancy of the Hispanic Community

Francis Page Jr. | 8/23/2023, 1:15 p.m.
In the heart of Texas, the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce recently unveiled an arsenal of impressive statistics at their …
Dr. Laura Murillo, President & CEO, Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

In the heart of Texas, the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce recently unveiled an arsenal of impressive statistics at their 2nd Annual Data Summit. The numbers paint a vivid picture not just of growth, but of transformation and integration, reshaping the American narrative in undeniable hues of progress.

First and foremost, Hispanics have become a prominent force of demographic change, accounting for over half of the entire US population growth since 2010. As of 2019, the Hispanic heartbeat resonated across the nation with a staggering 60.6 million individuals, claiming 18% of the total U.S. population pie, a jump from the 50.7 million in 2010.

Education, often seen as the gateway to societal advancement, is no stranger to the Hispanic community. A hopeful 41% of U.S. Hispanic adults aged 25 and older had tasted the world of college by 2018, marking a 5% rise since 2010. As for the English language, the lingua franca of the modern world, 72% of Latinos aged 5 and above were proficient in it by 2022, up from 59% in 2000, demonstrating a swift embrace of linguistic dexterity.

On the civic front, an overwhelming four out of five Latinos proudly call themselves US citizens. Projected figures hint at a significant increase in Latino voters, with 35 million set to be eligible by 2024. A whopping two-thirds of this power-packed voter base resides in just five states, with Texas alone being home to nearly 6 million.

Economically, the Hispanic community's influence is nothing short of transformative. National data from the SBA reveals that almost a quarter of new businesses sprouting across the US are Hispanic-owned. These businesses, totaling nearly 5 million, inject a colossal $800 billion annually into the nation's economic veins. Notably, these enterprises provide jobs for about a million workers, boasting over $100 billion in yearly payroll. In the shadow of the pandemic, while many demographics showed stagnation, Hispanic business owners surged by 34%, dwarfing the meager 1% increase of their non-Hispanic counterparts.

Zooming into Houston, the city emerges as a fortress of small business prowess. Home to more than 125,000 small businesses, they together form the employment backbone for almost 500,000 locals. Thanks to its diverse economy, Houston glimmers as a beacon of business optimism and stands tall among the top 30 cities where small enterprises flourish. Furthermore, the city's vibrancy attracts over 9,000 new startups annually, with venture capitalists pouring in more than $750 million each year.

In the realm of spending, Houston's Hispanics aren't just participants, they're trendsetters. Currently, they splash out over $54 billion annually. By 2022, this figure is set to skyrocket, potentially reaching an astronomical $80 billion, forming over 25% of the region's total spending. The community's investment isn't just monetary. Over 53% of Hispanics in Houston have invested in homes, constituting a quarter of the city's residential market. Their entrepreneurial spirit is unmatched – they're twice as likely to start a business and make up over a quarter of all auto sales in Houston. Impressively, half the small businesses in the region are Hispanic-owned, and over 30% of Hispanics have dabbled in some form of investment. Their entrepreneurial zeal sees them outnumbering all other demographic groups in the region by a ratio of 2 to 1.

In conclusion, the 2nd Annual Data Summit by the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce wasn't just a display of statistics. It was a testament to a community's resilience, ambition, and integral role in shaping America's future. For readers of the Houston Style Magazine, it's clear – the Hispanic community is not just making a mark, they're drawing the blueprint.

For more information, visit Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce