Celebrating Extraordinary Girl Scout Dads: A Father’s Day Tribute by the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council

Style Magazine Newswire | 6/19/2023, 1:13 p.m.
This Father's Day, June 18 (and every day!) the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council is proudly shining a spotlight …
Ryleigh and her dad, Roger Thomas II

This Father's Day, June 18 (and every day!) the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council is proudly shining a spotlight on extraordinary Girl Scout dads and father figures who have gone above and beyond to support their daughters' journeys in scouting. These inspiring dads have made a significant impact on their daughters' lives, demonstrating unwavering commitment, enthusiasm, and dedication to the Girl Scout movement. Through their unconditional love and boundless support, these fathers help make Girl Scouting possible throughout the 26-county San Jacinto Council.

Roger Thomas II, “Do-It-All Dad”

Roger Thomas has been a pillar of support for his daughter, Ryleigh’s Girl Scout journey from day one. After raising four older sons and helping them achieve great things as Boys Scouts, Thomas and his wife, Tauleece made sure their daughter always felt that her scouting journey was just as important as her brothers’. As the Troop Cookie Manager for 13 years, Thomas has actively participated in every step of his daughter's scouting adventure. From accompanying her to shooting sports certifications and sailing trainings to ensuring her safety during international trips, this devoted dad has shown that being a "Do-It-All Dad" means being there every step of the way. Thomas is the epitome of a Girl Scout dad who truly believes in the value of Girl Scouting. The Thomas family resides in the Humble/Kingwood area.

"Our daughter’s Girl Scout experience has been so enriched and uniquely special because of her dad, my husband. He has made it a priority to actively embark on this journey alongside her, rather than simply observing from the sidelines,” commented Tauleece Thomas, Girl Scout mom and Houston attorney.

Girl Scout Troop #114204 Dads Stepping Up in Times of Need

Dana Pyle, Ben Hickman, Thomas White, and Scott Kubeczka and their daughters

Dana Pyle, Ben Hickman, Thomas White, and Scott Kubeczka and their daughters

In the face of adversity, Troop Leader Nichole Glenn and her Girl Scouts experienced the unwavering support of their dedicated dads. When Glenn was diagnosed with renal cell cancer, these incredible fathers, Dana Pyle, Ben Hickman, Thomas White, and Scott Kubeczka, stepped up to lead troop meetings and manage cookie sales, ensuring that the girls' scouting activities continued smoothly. Their commitment and willingness to go the extra mile have been true acts of love and support that have made a lasting impact on the troop. Girl Scout Troop #114204 is based in the Spring area.

Adam Malacina “Excel-ing in Support” of Girl Scout Troop #144192 and Beyond

Adam Malacina

Adam Malacina

Adam Malacina, a true superhero and Troop Cookie Manager, brings organization, enthusiasm, and excel worksheets to support his daughter’s troop’s cookie sales. Malacina’s meticulous planning, accurate predictions, and inventory adjustments have propelled his troop to new heights selling over 13,000 boxes of cookies this year. Malacina's dedication extends beyond his own troop, as he also supports several troops in the community as the Community Cookie Manager (CCM). He goes above and beyond to assist new troops, manage cupboard pickups, lead countless cookie swaps and even adjusts the troop’s inventory to help other troops in their community off load overstocked cookies. Malacina’s dedication and tireless efforts have led the troop to incredible success – he is an exceptional dad leading the way in supporting Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council. The Malacina family resides in the Lake Jackson area.

The Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council celebrates Father's Day by recognizing these remarkable Girl Scout dads and their invaluable contributions. Their commitment and involvement exemplify the spirit of Girl Scouting and inspire girls to reach their full potential and make a difference in the world.