LABOR DAY 2023 – Embracing The Spirit Of Unity and Advancement With New CWA President – Claude Cummings, Jr.

Francis Page Jr. | 9/6/2023, 3:50 p.m.
Hello to our dedicated Houston Style Mag- azine audience! As we’ve come together on Labor Day 2023, it’s a time …
Claude Cummings, Jr. – President Communication Workers of America (CWA)

Hello to our dedicated Houston Style Magazine audience! As we’ve come together on Labor Day 2023, it’s a time of both jubilation and introspection. “I feel the gravity of this moment keenly, as it’s my inaugural Labor Day celebration since being elected President of the Communications Workers of America (CWA)”.

Breaking Barriers: Claude Cummings Jr.’s Trailblazing Journey

Claude Cummings Jr. isn’t just any president; he’s a milestone-maker, being the first Black man to ascend to this high-ranking position within CWA. With a career spanning decade, he has represented over 45,000 union members across states like Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. Cummings has also been a crucial advocate for job growth, exemplified by his influential role in legislation enabling AT&T to expand video services, creating thousands of positions for union technicians.

Honoring a Milestone: 60 Years Since Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream”

2023 is a monumental year as we mark the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s unparalleled “I Have a Dream” speech and the March on Washington. The vibrant presence of CWA members at the recent anniversary celebration, especially Tonya Jackson’s moving speech from the historic steps of the Lincoln Memorial, underscores our unwavering dedication to equality and social justice.

Unity in Diversity: Echoes from the 1963 March on Washington

Over 250,000 people of diverse backgrounds congregated during the

seminal 1963 March, united by renowned labor activists like A. Philip Randolph and Walter Reuther. Their calls for fair employment and social equality still resonate today, as evidenced by the recent activism of Maximus workers. Their courage exemplifies the CWA motto: “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”

From Challenge to Unity: Lessons Learned from Labor History

The American labor movement, though marred by past inequities such as racism and sexism, has ultimately emerged as a powerful agent of social cohesion. It’s through collective action that we truly discover the threads of commonality among us and realize our leadership potential. Cummings’ own trajectory is a compelling testament to the transformative force of union solidarity.

Rising Above: Staying Vigilant Amidst Societal Challenges

The unfortunate events like the recent Jacksonville shooting sharply contrast Dr. King’s principles, serving as a solemn reminder that our mission for unity is ongoing. This calls for collective vigilance and resolve to surmount the challenges that defy our quest for social harmony.

Taking Action: The Real Meaning of Being ‘CWA Strong’

Being “CWA Strong” transcends mere sloganism; it embodies a spirit of collective responsibility. When any call to action is sounded—whether from a CWA comrade, a fellow union member, or anyone pushing for occupational dignity— your support becomes the beacon of change.

A Roadmap for the Future: Solidarity as Our Guiding Light

As the helmsman of this dynamic union, Cummings pledges to uphold the core values of unity and solidarity that have shaped CWA’s community fabric. This commitment serves not just as an internal beacon but as a national exemplar of how we can foster meaningful change.

This Labor Day, let’s honor our hard-fought victories, acknowledge our ongoing struggles, and set our sights on a future enriched by inclusivity and mutual respect. To the resilient spirit of CWA and its industrious members, Happy Labor Day 2023!

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