Statement by Senator Borris L. Miles Regarding Barber’s Hill ISD and the CROWN Act

Style Magazine Newswire | 9/8/2023, 2:37 p.m.
“I am calling for Barbers Hill ISD to remove Darryl George from in-school suspension and to revise their dress code …
Senator Borri L. Miles

“I am calling for Barbers Hill ISD to remove Darryl George from in-school suspension and to revise their dress code to come into compliance with the CROWN Act. It is unbelievable that the district whose discriminatory actions led to the creation of the CROWN Act is the first to defy the new law.

Claiming that Darryl is violating a hair length policy is simply a backdoor method to continue discriminating against students with natural hair. The bipartisan CROWN Act passed the Legislature overwhelmingly and is now the law of this state. It’s time for Barbers Hill ISD to comply with the law.”