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Photography by Vicky Pink - On Friday, February 7, 2014 , Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the ground breaking for the Temenos Place Apartments II. The 80-unit apartment unit is the second installation for the Temenos Community Development Corporation serving very low-income and homeless residents. Each resident has access to supportive services, including but not limited to, job searching and preparation skills, educational classes, budgeting, nutrition and case management services through St. John’s United Methodist Church’s Bread of Life, Inc. Some in attendance were Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee, Sen. Rodney Ellis, Rep. Garnet Coleman, and City Councilmember Robert Gallegos, Pastor Rudy Rasmus, and Mr. Dana Hogan, CEO, Temenos Community Development Corporation Campus Non-profits and St. John’s United Methodist Church’s Bread of Life, Inc.