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Photography by Vicky Pink - On Wednesday, January 15, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Buffalo Soldiers Museum for the Jazz Desert Reception hosted by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Special guests in attendance were the AME Church Council of Bishops. The group of Bishops from around the world gathered in Houston for their retreat on January 14-17, 2014 at Hotel Zaza. The reception showed the traveling group the best of Houston as they were entertained by Horace Alexander Young Jazz Ensemble and also saw a re-enactment of Harriett Tubman. In addition, they went on a guided tour of the museum by Captain Paul Matthews. Supervisor Claytie Davis was feted with a surprise birthday celebration and joined by his family. The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Charles Hudson of KTSU Radio and coordinating the entire evening was Gospel Music Advocate Carl Davis and Sharma Hodge with desert provided by Massa's Restaurant & Southern Ladies Catering. Some in attendance were 10th Episcopal District host Bishop Vashti McKenzie, Supervisor Stan McKenzie, Senior Bishop John R. Bryant, Rev. Cecelia Williams Bryant, and Acting President of the Council of Bishops Jeffrey Leath.