In a movement to get the public engaged in today’s political scene, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated -Alpha Kappa Omega, Epsilon Lambda and Psi Mu Omega Chapters in partnership with the Texas Southern University School of Public Affairs and the University of Houston Masters of Public Administration program presented a Community Forum for citizens of the City of Houston. Special guests included the Honorable Mayor Sylvester Turner and State Representative Senfronia Thompson. Dr. J. Thomas Smith of Sunday Morning Live on Radio One was the special guest moderator. Topics of discussion included 85th Texas Legislative Update, 2017 Voting Updates, City Infrastructure – Flooding, Traffic & Transportation, Healthcare, Police Interaction & Race/Community Relations, So You Want To Lead? What You Can Do in Your Community or Campus, and Immigration. Some in attendance were Alpha Kappa Omega President Marsha Penn, Epsilon Lambda Connections Chairman Michala Padgett, Psi Mu Omega President Carolyn Jones, South Central Region's Texas State Connection Kim Topps, Ivy Educational Advancement and Charitable Foundation of Houston, Incorporated President Lisa Brooks, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Deshara Goss, Cherise Story, Dr. Carolyn Evans Shabazz,Laura Allen, Latasha McGill Clayton, Patricia Roberts, Alexis Mathis, Dawn DuBose Randle, Brenda Davis, Belinda James, Una Topps, and Cheryl Duncan.