AKA Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter President's Dinner

Photography by Andre Humphrey - The ladies of. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ® Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter celebrated 95 years of service and sisterhood during a two-night celebratory weekend. Their first event, The President's Dinner, paid tribute to the chapter's current and former presidents. Each president was spotlighted and highlights from their administration were shared. Honorees included Cherise Story, Marsha Penn, LaDonna Harris, Marianne Young Walker, Tamara Cubit, Regina Carrington, Patricia Roberts, Charlotte Bryant, Melba Henry, and Gervasia Anglin. Former presidents who had passed on were also remembered in a lovely tribute. Len Cannon emcee the affair where South Central Regional Director Joya T. Hayes served as the guest speaker. Theresa Grayson, Billy Ray Grant, Jr. and B.J. Smith provided entertainment. Carlotta Outley and Bianca Anderson served as chairmen for the event with chapter president Staci Taylor Fullmighter. Patricia A. Roberts and Regina Carrington served as 95th Anniversary General Chairmen with Thedrial Jackson and Mary Barnett as General Co-Chairmen. Some in attendance were Sheila Jackson Lee, Amanda Edwards, South Central Regional Director Joya T. Hayes, Joann Brown, Berna Greer, and Councilwoman Carolyn Evans Shabazz.