All results / Stories / Ben Jealous

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Cutting Tailpipe Pollution Starts at Home for New York City

For Leslie Vasquez, an activist with South Bronx Unite, the same word describes the need and the timeline for New York City to act on climate pollution -- immediate.

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Having Our Say Against Carbon Pollution

More than one million Americans told the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week that they aren’t willing to wait any longer.

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How the Clean Energy Win in Michigan Provides a Roadmap for Other States

The historic Clean Energy Future Package and Clean Energy and Jobs Act, just recently signed into law by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, will greatly accelerate the state’s transition to the exclusive use of clean power sources like wind and solar.

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For Too Many Kids Getting Outside Is Easier Said Than Done

Last week, after a restful Thanksgiving, my family made a deliberate choice to #OptOutside on Friday. #OptOutside is a growing movement in which participating organizations and companies close their doors on Black Friday, give their employees a paid day off, and encourage all of us to embrace the serenity of nature instead of succumbing to the frenzy of Black Friday shopping. I’m an outdoors enthusiast, from a long line of outdoors enthusiasts.

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America’s Unspoken Suicide Pandemic is the Sharp Edge of Social Isolation

The news stays filled with endless examples of hyper-partisanship out of Washington. It is no surprise most people think that’s the only thing happening in Washington. It’s not.
