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Laura Paddison, CNN

Stories by Laura

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Trump says dismantling USAID will save money. Experts say it’s a ‘great gift’ for China

The existence of the US Agency for International Development hangs in the balance. President Donald Trump is racing to shut it down, declaring it a waste of money and run by “lunatics.” But experts warn this plays straight into the hands of the very country he considers to be the biggest threat to US interests — China.

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Can this ocean-based carbon plant help save the world? Some scientists are raising red flags

On a slice of the ocean front in west Singapore, a startup is building a plant to turn carbon dioxide from air and seawater into the same material as seashells, in a process that will also produce “green” hydrogen — a much-hyped clean fuel.

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Polar ice melting; changes Earth’s rotation - messes with time

One day in the next couple of years, everyone in the world will lose a second of their time. Exactly when that will happen is being influenced by humans, according to a new study, as melting polar ice alters the Earth’s rotation and changes time itself.

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One of the world’s biggest cities may be just months away from running out of water

Alejandro Gomez has been without proper running water for more than three months. Sometimes it comes on for an hour or two, but only a small trickle, barely enough to fill a couple of buckets. Then nothing for many days.

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Scientists discover alarming change in Antarctica’s past - could spell devastating future sea level rise

Evidence from a 2,000-foot-long ice core reveals that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet shrank suddenly and dramatically around 8,000 years ago, according to new research — providing an alarming insight into how quickly Antarctic ice could melt and send sea levels soaring.

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Wellness influencers fueled pandemic misinformation - now targeting another crisis

When wildfire ripped through Hawaii’s Maui last August, the impact was devastating: a whole town reduced to ashes, more than 100 lives lost. The inferno was described as the “largest natural disaster in state history.”