
Julien Turner - XY Cell Llif3 (Official Music Video)

Extra credit assignment done for non-major biology class at Morehouse College. Co-owns with 15-yr. old teenage brother Justen Turner Dreadhead Films, LLC, a film production company with a mission to create stories that entertain, inspire, and uplift. Check out our award-winning short films at, and like us/follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Vimeo at Dreadhead Films.

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Tease photo

Morehouse Student Julien Turner Goes Viral With “XY Cell Life,” Extra Credit Rap Video for Biology Class (VIDEO)

Enterprising Morehouse College student and filmmaker Julien Turner went viral this week when he posted his extra credit assignment for biology class on Twitter and YouTube. “XY Cell Life” is a rap video explaining the different phases cells go through, what they are comprised up and how they operate. For those (like me) who grew up on Schoolhouse Rock or for those who love hip hop – or both – watch the above because you most definitely will enjoy.