A Coherent Foreign Policy Does Not Exist With The Trump White House

Style Magazine Newswire | 8/2/2017, 7:24 a.m.
Jackson Lee: “The President needs to stand up to Putin and sign the Sanctions Bill now.”
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a senior member of the House Committees on Judiciary and Homeland Security and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s non-existent foreign policy as it relates to Russia and North Korea:

“For all the President’s talk of ‘making America great again,’ Trump seems incapable of standing up for America’s interests and those of our allies. Calling every world leader he meets “great” is not a foreign policy, nor is it a strategy to advance America’s standing in the world.

“Putin shows no hesitation in taking actions that undermine Russia’s relationship with the U.S. Meanwhile, North Korea seems only interested in continuing an adversarial relationship with America and the rest of the world. Yet, the Trump Administration has not outlined a coherent diplomatic strategy for dealing with any of these threats.

“Instead, the White House has marginalized the Secretary of State, gutted the State Department, and turned its attention to petty staffing squabbles at home. At this critical time, there appears to be no one focused on securing this nation and advancing peaceful solutions to the growing global instability. The President is derelict in his duties, leaving this nation rudderless with no one steering the ship of state. It frightens me, it frightens the experts in foreign policy, and it is dangerous.”