Ignoring Hate Is the Same As Walking Alongside It

Demez White | 8/18/2017, 11:15 a.m.
Hatred never went away, it was simply lurking. Waiting on someone to open the door. On Saturday night, we got …

Hatred never went away, it was simply lurking. Waiting on someone to open the door. On Saturday night, we got a glimpse into what was hiding behind the door in Charlottesville, Virginia. On Tuesday, Donald Trump kicked the door wide open. There’s one aspect of this entire conversation that’s bothering me, it’s the premise that most Americans are against racism and these Nazi’s and KKK members are a small portion of society.

Is our attention span as a society so short that we forget what was happening at Donald Trump’s “Make American Great Again” rallies? Are we forgetting that something like 70-80% of white men voted for this man? A large percentage of white women voted for him also. I was willing to not call these individuals racists when they voted for him, primarily because a lot of people in our country were tired of the same politicians.

Donald Trump represented something new and different. In November of 2016, I was willing to give my fellow Americans the benefit of the doubt; I’m no longer willing to do that. We as a society now have a track record of who and what Donald Trump is and if you can still support him, you’re a racist and more than that you’re a fool.

I’ll even take this a step further. If you’re sitting back and not saying anything, you’re just as guilty as those men and women that were marching by torchlight this past weekend. Why am I as a black man still writing think pieces on what other black people should do? We protest and people are offended. We physically fight back and people claim defending ourselves is violence. We decide to get educations and start businesses because companies don’t want to pay us our worth and the same people that have been privileged their entire life complain about minority contracts and affirmative action.

Racism in America is not a Black problem or a Hispanic problem or an Asian problem; it’s a White problem. Go to your favorite comment section under an article about the KKK or the Alt- Right (Isn’t is amazing that we gave them a name that means Nazi’s but doesn’t sound as bad) and you will find people not only defending these people, but saying profound things like, “It’s okay when Black Lives Matter protest and kill police, but when white people decide to stand up for their rights it’s a problem.”

No matter how many times you tell a person of hate that BLM has never been about segregation or killing police or stopping white men and women from being productive citizens; they will argue you until their fingers start to bleed from their angry comments on Facebook.

That’s what we’re fighting as a country. The men and women that try and justify it or ignore it way more than we’re fighting the fools dumb enough to show their racism out in the open.