Trump Cabinet Will Be First in Decades Without a Hispanic Member

Style Magazine Newswire | 1/20/2017, 7:31 a.m.
Donald Trump's Cabinet is poised to become the first since 1988 without any Hispanic officials — a huge as reports …
President-Elect Donald Trump

Source: Dallas News

Donald Trump's Cabinet is poised to become the first since 1988 without any Hispanic officials — a huge as reports indicate disappointment for members of the nation's second-largest ethnic group. A number of Hispanics have been under consideration but as Trump’s cabinet filled out, the options narrowed. Although Hispanics are disappointed they are not too surprised as Trump drew about 18 percent of the vote among Latinos, a historic low for a Republican. The drop in numbers had a lot to do with the fact that Trump labeled Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers, questioned the integrity of a Mexican-American judge, and called for mass deportations and a full-length border wall.