5 Thanksgiving Traditions to Adopt and Love

Jo-Carolyn Goode | 11/13/2019, 11:52 a.m.

The holidays are one of the few times a year where everyone enjoys looking back to implement activities of yesteryear. You look at how you have changed, how your family has grown, and how you will move forward in the future. Time honored traditions are repeated in the manner in which they have been passed down as those who have passed on are remembered and those who are living teach the next generation to keep the legacy going. Whether big or small every family has at least one Thanksgiving tradition that it cherishes. Houston Style Magazine took a poll to find out what are some of the most popular traditions next to watching football and going to the movies.

1. Being thankful

Just the name of the holiday alone almost commands that one be thankful. Many families make it a tradition to answer that call in a variety of ways. To start families must reflect. Mary Saraswati Mitraya Garrett reflects on her gratitude and abundance throughout this year. Next is to share what you are thankful for. Some may adhere to the way that Derek Hardeman and his family do it by having each family member write on a big paper that they are thankful for. Afterward, hang the papers on the walls for all to see and discuss. Another way is to give thanks around the dinner table like Beverly Rivers Dancer’s family. “Before dinner, each person tells what they are thankful for. Then we bless the food ...and throw down.” A thankful way to bring s smile to someone’s face is to send cards to individuals that you are most thankful for expressing why you are so grateful for their presence in your life. The key is to be thankful and outwardly show it.

2. Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner

The Thanksgiving Feast can take days to prepare and cook. From perfect feast to turkey mishaps, the dinner is the star of the show and you want to get this right. However, the time can past faster and the workload made lighter if tasks are shared with others. Cooking the Thanksgiving feast with family is one way to connect while passing down guarded recipes. Peeling potatoes for the sweet potatoes casserole, basting the turkey to keep it juicy, layering the cheese for best macaroni & cheese together is a classic tradition for Tameya Sam’s family. They even have a cooking schedule. Wednesday is reserved for baking. Thursday is the cooking day. Each person loves to prepare his or her own favorite dish. Although they make separate dishes, preparing them in the same space with those you love is what makes holiday cooking special.

3. Volunteering

Volunteering is the rent we pay to live on Earth is a quote that is often heard during this time of year. It is part of sharing your holidays with others. Houston has plenty of opportunities to volunteer. Because food is such a big part of Thanksgiving, serving others at Thanksgiving Feasts has become a highly popular duty. Volunteering at the City Wide Club of America’s Super Feast at George R. Brown Convention Center on the morning of Thanksgiving is something that La’Torria Lemon’s family looks forward to yearly. Because of families like the Lemons, last year 2.1million meals were served at the feast and attendees received clothes, medical exams and more. Handing out meals door-to-door to people who otherwise can’t make it out of their homes for a mixture of reasons is another option. Leah Clemons’ family gets in some exercise with their volunteering by doing just that with Meals On Wheels.

4. Black Friday Shopping

Christmas seems to come faster than you can put the leftover turkey away. So the earlier you can start on your shopping list the better and saving money while doing it is the ultimate win. For many families, after they have stuffed their bellies, shared a few laughs, and had their third piece of dessert its time to go shopping to snag those Black Friday deals. You can maximum the most of your time by planning ahead. Gather all the circulars and look to see who has what for the best price that is on your list. Next, make a list of where you are going and what you are buying. Get even more organized and have a little fun by splitting up the family into teams, assigned each team various stores and items to get, and see who can get it done the fastest and make it back to the house.

5. Get In the Christmas Spirit

Shopping is one means to get into the Christmas spirit. Decorating for the holiday takes it another level. Untangling lights, hanging tinsels, picking out the tree just makes people smile with a grin that they couldn’t stop even if they tried. Once all the lights are strung, enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while singing carols by the fire. Patricia Roberts said her immediate family tradition is to put the Christmas tree up with her children, niece, and grandchildren.

Traditions make the holidays momentous for all involved. Revive customs to preserve history. Create new ones for the journey. As long as the family is blissfully cheery then we all can smile wistfully.

Happy Thanksgiving From the Houston Style Magazine Family!