Leading Houston Organizations Launched Movement to Promote Health

1/9/2023, 1:11 p.m.
Texas Heart Institute (THI) and Fit Houston announced a partnership to promote #WALK30, a new health campaign that combines Texas …

Texas Heart Institute (THI) and Fit Houston announced a partnership to promote #WALK30, a new health campaign that combines Texas Heart Institute’s industry-leading research, thought leadership, education, and patient care with Fit Houston’s strategy for a community wellness movement across Houston’s neighborhoods. The movement launched with the community fit walk #WALK30 on Saturday, January 7th, 2023 at Arthur Storey Park.

With lifestyle and activity levels playing a critical role in health outcomes, #WALK30 brings accessible, community-based solutions to deliver health transformations in Houston’s neighborhoods and workplaces. “The modifiable risks for cardiovascular disease are well-established. A focused initiative on exercise is a vital component of overall cardiovascular health for our community,” according to longtime physical activity advocate Dr. Joseph G. Rogers, President, and CEO of The Texas Heart Institute.

“Regular physical activity reduces cardiovascular risk, improves mental health, and reduces cancer risk. Fit Houston is laser-focused on facilitating free physical activity available in every community and is done through a positive wellness movement with cultural empathy, “said Fit Houston Founder and Executive Director Lharissa Jacobs.