Beauty Mentors

Bell | 4/28/2017, 2:43 p.m.
Its seems like this world is more than adults can handle. Left and right there are so many issues to …

Its seems like this world is more than adults can handle. Left and right there are so many issues to tackle. Killings, wars, fighting, food shortages are every where. Adults can't even adult anymore. If adults can barely handle this world, how much more can children? Kids are committing homicides and suicides at alarming rates. Depression is running rampant amongst our youth. This is why it is so important to have organizations like Beauty Mentors to assist our youth and bring them up as model citizens in the society that we now live.

Houston Style Magazine attended the third annual Royal High Tea event this past Sunday with the mentors and mentees. The event, held at the national Buffalo Soldiers Museum, highlighted those who have taken the time out from their busy lives to mentor and assist young women. I could talk about the beautiful dresses that everyone wore, the who's who amongst the star-studded attendees, or even write this entire piece about the catered cooking with a twist bites. However, this event runs deeper than those things.


Why the Royal High Tea event? These mentors deserve to be honored because of their self-sacrificing spirit. A lot of these women have kids of their own, careers, businesses, and husbands. On top of that, they have their own anxiety, pressures, and trials to deal with, yet they still find the time to mentor these young women. They view it as a need to encourage, uplift, (at times) reeducate, and repurpose these mentees. From body image-to-self-esteem-to life goals, they through their time, resources, and love move these ladies closer to success.


When reality TV and celebrities tell our young girls what beauty is, Beauty Mentors clears the clutter. They help the young girls to look inside for real beauty. By introducing these young women to culture and more, the mentors began to see progress. The mentees expressed themselves for eloquently as they radiated with thanks and love for their mentors. They spoke on how they received a boost in self-esteem and gained "sisters" not friends. They also spoke on how the mentors tapped into their creative side and helped them find their niche. "I would not be on this stage if it wasn't for my mentor," said one nervous but determined mentee who expressed the importance of the work being done.


These women are not alone. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner proved that point with his support by not only attending the affair but donating $2,500 to the organization for its continued growth of the organization. CleRenda McGrady, who was also honored, donated funds in an effort to keep this organization growing. "You are to be commended and I want to thank every last one of the men and women who are helping make Houston the amazing city that it is," said Mayor Turner.

Our children are our future but they can get lost amongst the chaos. They can get forgotten about when layoffs happen and politics keep adults in an uproar. Our girls need organizations like Beauty Mentors. You can lend your support for today's girls by supporting Beauty Mentors online at