Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition Organizes Critical Event Opposing Harmful State Actions Against Communities of Color

Style Magazine Newswire | 5/9/2023, 3:28 p.m.
The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition, with the support of Congressman Al Green, is organizing a Civil Rights Town Hall on …

The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition, with the support of Congressman Al Green, is organizing a Civil Rights Town Hall on May 13th, 2023, at 1 pm at FountainLife Center, located at 14083 S. Main St. Houston, TX 77035. The event will bring together a diverse group of community leaders and organizations, including Congressman Al Green, Rep. Gene Wu, Rep. Ron Reynolds, Bishop James Dixon (NAACP, Houston Branch), Wea Lee (International Trade Center), Judson Robinson (Houston Area Urban League), Dr. Steven Pei (United Chinese Americans), Nabila Mansoor (Rise AAPI), Niloufar Hafizi (Emgage Texas), Dawn Lin (Asian Real Estate Association of America),, Gary Nakamura (Japanese American Citizens League, Houston), Claude Cummings, Jr. (Communications Workers of America), Kenneth Li (Asian American Business Council), Eileen Huang (United Association of Chinese Alumni), Dr. Sergio Lira (Greater Houston LULAC 4967), Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Hua Gu (Sino Professionals Association), Guowei Gu (Shandong Fellowship Association of Southern USA), Baohua Yang (Henan Fellowship Association of Southern USA), Liang Han (Southern Jiangsu Association USA), Yizhu Liao (Hunan Club of Houston), Kathy Xu (Texas Northeast Chinese Association), Casey Kang (Korean American Chamber of Commerce), Terrance Koontz (Texas Organizing Project), Ruth Kravetz (Community Voices for Public Education), Lani Cabral Pasao (People Caring for the Community), Stephen Yoe (Myanmar Chamber of Commerce), Harry Sun (Chinese Chamber of Commerce), H.C. Chang (OCA Greater Houston), William White (CAIR Houston) and many others. The participation of these organizations highlights the broad support for the event and the urgent need to stand against the harmful actions that threaten the rights and opportunities of communities of color.

Congressman Al Green

Congressman Al Green

The primary objective of the town hall is to unite multicultural organizations and individuals against the racist and xenophobic Senate Bill 147 and the state takeover of the HISD school board. These actions are detrimental to communities of color: SB 147 threatens the right to property ownership, and the HISD takeover imperils access to quality education and equal opportunities.

The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition is calling for collective action to send those in power a strong message that these actions are not acceptable. The town hall provides an opportunity for community members to come together, raise their voices, and show their support for justice and equality.

The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition invites all organizations aligned with our values to attend this critical event and join in the fight against injustice. The coalition believes that by working together, we can make a significant impact on creating a better future for all.

The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition is a coalition of multicultural groups in Houston that is dedicated to promoting justice and progress for marginalized communities. Comprising a diverse range of organizations, the coalition works to raise awareness about issues affecting communities of color, advocate for policy changes, and promote collective action to achieve greater equity and social justice. By bringing together different communities and organizations, the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition aims to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.